Friday, July 23, 2010


I really enjoyed learning Photo story. I must admit that I've owned a video camera for several years, but have never taken the time to do anything like this. Can't wait to use it on my grandchildren. I also enjoyed the I-Touch-Pod because it does various things that could be beneficial in therapy.

Remediation could be fun and useful by using Photostory. Taking pictures or videos of students performing or demostrating some positive behavior hopefully would have impact in their therapy achievement. As previously mentioned, the I-Pod-Touch has numerous uses all in one. The students narratives in their classes would be accessible to me, therefore, I could talk with the student about their syntax, semantics,etc. through their netbooks. (think thats what its called). Also, teachers and I can share various strategies and hopefully, carryover would be quicker.

Tools 11 offered me more than I expected. It has been a challenge, but interesting seeing what is offered now thanks to technology. I avoided using the technology more efficiently that I already
own so I'm thrilled that I can make better use of these instruments. I look forward to using new tools in my therapy as well as understanding what the classroom teachers are doing with these new tools.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

tool #11

Digital citizenship is extremely important in todays world. So many times on the news we see kids using the internet with unadult behavior or learning how to use the internet corruptly.

As a SLP, I dont feel its my role to 'teach' them, but certainly, if I were to receive new tools as previously mentionned, I would certainly model and supervise any accessibility the students would have. To function in todays world, these students need to learn that 'digital citizenship' is vital to everyone's well being.

tool #10

I like the I Pod Touch. I've been working with Karen Justl on these tools and I'm wondering if there is one to check out to me. I can see several uses for this such as taping a student and being able to send it to the teacher. Karen is now explaining to me the program "I talk" whereby the message on the I Pod Touch goes to my computer and I could save this. I can definitely see some advantages to having a I Pod Touch for therapy.

tool 9

Jing could be beneficial if I would save the therapy sessions, and send it to the teacher so she could see how I am remediating the student. Also, the student could watch his progress over a period of time. Hopefully this would help in carryover. Skype could be fun if all students had their computers in therapy, otherwise it will take a long time to do each setup. I'm concerned about distractibility while everyone would their turn if they were only using mine.

tool 8 like this video because the pictures and language are clear and simple.

The National Geographic video would definitely link to science material for my students while collaborating with the classroom teachers. News and Information would be useful so the students could be aware of whats happening the Houston and the world, then we could use this in their therapy sessions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

tool #7

For some reason, the blogger will not allow the video to open. I am at Karen Justl's office and she is having same problem. I have worked on this for 3 days.

I do see some benefits of this tool in that I can input pictures from a camera to make a story. If my students were to perform a play of some sort, I could make this into a picture story and they could narrate it. The problem I see with this being on the internet is that the therapy and identity of the students are confidential. I need to know if the available permission paper in the district covers this.

tool #6

Well-I finally got to tool 6 and I think I've got finding the new post part down by myself. Thats an accomplishment!! This isnt a 'snap' for my mature mind!!

Anyway, in our district, SLP's have a Wiki for Boardmaker and its great!! If I need something, I usually remember to go to Boardmaker on "Sharepoint". Its a great and fast way to share our work and to send it another special education teacher who may need it.

One of our SLP's set up a wiki last year or so to share ideas.

Since I work with individual remediation in groups, I'm not sure how a wiki could work in therapy. I do work with students in their classroom sometimes, so perhaps I could collaborate with teachers when they are working on a wiki and I could work with my student at that time. We'll see. !